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A member registered May 26, 2022

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Yeah, the tileset I have does not show direction that properly but well, I'm planning to add a timer and a time pressure whlie making all the error count ( misplace, misuse, re-place ) and the ability to sometime ignore the input from the player ( i don't know should I add it or not ) :D.

Well, when I first implemented the road tile, I was like should I make every error of the player count (  misplaced, re-place the road, and sometime the character will ignore the direction change input ) because I'm planning to add a timer when the jam ended or should I make it as straightforward and relaxing so I just leave it that way to see how the player will react to it :P.

Well, I do like the moving system because if you decide to add obstacles then it would create all sort of havoc if the player does not plan ahead where they'll go next, and I really want to see the fate of the planet when the player colonize it.

Do you plan to finish the game after the jam end, because I want to try out the full game since I like the concept of your game :D. 

And the planets are moving way too fast to catch up with full throttle.

The main menu is too big for me.

I still don't know why this is count as win.

I'm love this game, you guys did a great jobs on the art and the fighting mechanism. But the health indicator should work after a hit and the boss is way too easy as you just move around the map and shoot the boss ( the rock won't work if you're already there ).

The music and the art style is great. But A and D are inverted ( it would be great if the cat can also turn), the puzzle shouldn't be exactly the same as before ( below ). And also, is there other ending other than "Stealing" the light?

This is rather well-made and I love how the lighting work :D.

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that would require subscription too, except exporting it to according to this.

No wonder why, GMS2 require subscription to export to window and other OSs.

I think I have motion sickness just by playing this game but great game btw.

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the game is enjoyable so far, the spinning and walking ones aren't a big of the deal since there're a lots of corners to hide, it's just a bit annoy that there's sometimes a shadow even though there's is no wall at the bottom of the spawn point and the walls was too thin.

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Yeah, sorry about that, I was missing a DDL and a few compiler flags so it did work on my pc but not on the others. Hope you will criticise the hell out of my game :'D.

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ok, thanks for the headup. I did forgot some compiler flags so it wan't able to run properly on other devices. I hope this will works for now.

it should work out of the box without the need to install any DDLs, can you describe what ddls it want when you first start up the project. (I'm blind about how DDLs work or I just missing somethings).

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it's depend on the tools you're using and I cannot help you with that since I don't know what tools you're using to create the game. And about "don't radically change your game", I think it's only appplied to voting period, so when the voting period ended, you can change the game to whatever you want.

a potato computer with a 1366x768 monitor.

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Was you suppose to see them in the darkness? The spider move so fast and the player can only see them when they in that small light (while they spawn in all direction) is a little tough even for easy difficulty.

this game have a bright future ahead of it, just need to fix about:

  • the item should be reduce when used, not when release.
  • click flashlight instead of dragging it will make you invincible ( with a bonus flashlight )
  • the moment the candle extinguished, light it up would instantly extinguish and have to wait for a certain amount of time for it to light up properlly.


The game resolution is too big for my potato pc.

I don't think I was supposed to live this long.

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this is a rather fun game to play for a short break, it does involve balancing between 2 force for better resource or survivability.

the only problem I encountered is the text from the history, which is a little bit:

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I have no idea how to open .yyp files. you should export it to binary instead of project files even if your game is unfinished because you can continue working on it after submitting :D.

the stair is unusable after you failed in the lower floor, some moving flatforms can be clipped from bottom up and the screen is a bit small. But well, this is rather good for the first game in this short amount of time.

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Really want to enjoy a game but


Waiting for .pck file to be added :P.

it's still readable, only annoying, thb. Regardless of the bug, it's extremely difficult to replicate as it requires switching the exact millisecond when you traverse around the border of the wall so you can ignore that if you want. And by the way, thanks for creating this game as I enjoy being lost in the maze even after many tries :3.

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the signs that have lots of words tend to render out of screen and therefore only the middle portion of the screen is readable, there should also be some form of indicator (or I haven't notice it as the the game screen is only 640x600) when you can switch to the other side (spamming space can lead to cliping through wall). But then again, this game has a lot of potential :D.

My eyes!